Here is a snap-shot of my summer log. In fact, it may resemble many other teachers around the globe. We work for our students and also to improve our subject area, the way in which we deliver our instruction, up-date our technology skills that keep changing, learn new standards and rules coming down from the legislature, the Department of Education, and the district. The list goes on, and it keeps us busy. A great amount of teachers take this a step further and volunteer to do other jobs that are essential to the school running. As the cuts continue, teachers are being asked to dig deeper. Some don’t need to be asked; they step up to the plate. These are teacher leaders.
1. I begin with working on professional development for our school, which is a big job. True, I get paid very little for planning, preparing, and teaching PD opportunities, but it’s a passion that I have. I get to fill a need and be happy at the same time. It’s a win-win. I enjoy helping teachers improve their craft, as well as make it possible for them to earn recertification points. Yes, I have to put everything into a system, keep track of points, and verify all of it; but, it’s worth it. I hope to get a lot of things inputted before school resumes. This way my phone should ring less, and I will have more time for my students and to grade papers.
2. I am making 3X5 cards for each ACT word with the definition, part-of-speech, antonym, synonym, example, non-example, and a sentence using the word on it. I think I have 60 out of 300 cards done. I hope to have these laminated. This way my word wall can be interactive. I can also use these for fun review games that reinforce learning. Did you know that much of the research out there says students must come into contact with a word at least ten times, if not more, to learn it?
8. Update my website by putting in all assignments for the 1st quarter in the My Calendar page, all ACT words and test dates for the year (I hope). I actually had to come back in here and add this in; how could I forget my website work?
I have been working on a lot of school projects over the summer, and I have a life too! I am a writer of three blogs, a grandma, mother, wife, sister, and friend to many. I am involved in leadership activities outside of school. I love the beach and playing Bunco. I am watching a house over the summer too. That’s two houses to keep clean…. Oh my! How is it possible? My passion for teaching, mentoring teachers, working with stakeholders, and the hopes to be a part of the reform of our education system keeps me going!
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