Thursday, August 11, 2011

Back to School Already!

Approximately 70 teachers reported to NPHS yesterday to analyze our school data, get acquainted with our new gradebook program, and collaborate and plan with department members. I came home exhausted but somewhat excited about the new school year.

This year we broke the data slides down into four teacher groups instead of a lengthy data report. We had teachers analyze the data and make recommendations on how to improve stagnant and declining scores, as well as how to continue to improve the areas with gains in informal presentations. It’s hard coming back year after year and hearing the “score” news. Often sitting in those seats listening makes me feel like I have to do more. I wonder how much more can I sacrifice of my life for students and the school. Having said that, this year I felt like we were in same boat together and many content area teachers were making suggestions about what they could do to help the English and Reading teachers, the school grade, but most of all, our students! We then took those recommendations and worked on the school improvement plan (SIP).

Our department collaboration was about how we could incorporate the things that staff recommended. Many teachers began to use focus calendars, resources, and textbooks for the new school year!

The gradebook training was an overview, but after I left there, I knew I had so much work to do to get my gradebook ready that I had a migraine by the time the day was done. I’m teaching a new subject this year, which I am excited about, but it means new planning and a lot of work.

I went home exhausted but look forward to today’s sessions!

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