On Monday, January 31st 2011, I had the sheer joy of working with teachers, students, parents, and the administration of North Port High School on a school wide event called“A Celebration of Diversity and Culture”. This event went on in tandem with report card night. It was my hope to increase the amount of students and parents attending. In short, both events were successful. I am impressed with the students’ interest in learning about themselves and their culture, as well as their family.

Some of the students began to think about diversity and tolerance on a larger scale when they understood that hatred was behind the Holocaust. They began to ask questions about how it could ever happen. This contemplation got them thinking about the diversity of North Port High School, as well as the importance of preserving and treasuring it. They were talking about the idea that it is okay to be different.

They learned that the clubs we have on campus reflect the uniqueness of our school population. They also looked outside their North Port microcosm and investigated the diverseness of our government, larger cities, and Hollywood! I love to see their light bulbs go on; sometimes it’s hard to get students to look beyond their own world which often seems so huge!
I learned a lot from the students while planning this event. I found out that they can be responsible and committed. I saw them get motivated to research once their passion was ignited. They learned a lot about themselves and their world while improving their reading, writing, listening, thinking, and speaking skills.

I also saw many past and current students support me in putting this event together. Many of the teachers decided to get involved too. It is amazing how a non-madatory event for staff and students could be so successful, meaningful, and relevant. I am happy to report that the staff and students want to do it again! Next year, I anticipate more art projects, music and dance performances, parent, student, and community involvement. Finally, while putting this event together was difficult, the amount of work involved was
extremely worth it!
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