I also got an email from another student who gave me laud on the same day. My heart swelled with excitement and joy; two genuine praises in one day. The pool of thank yous was drained, empty, and it had a hole in it. Of course, I am in education to make a difference and not for the money! It’s takes all that I have and whatever else I can muster up to push my students. They need to get on grade level too. It’s difficult some days because of the stress that is attached to standardized testing and tyring to motivate unmotivated students who need a tremendous amount of prodding and encouragement. All in all, it’s nice to get an encouraging letter, email, and or note from time-to-time. I have a wall in my closet at school where I post notes and letters from parents, staff, and students. On a bad day, I go there. Then I am reminded of some lives I have touched.
Another t
hing that keeps me going is Jacqueline Anderson-Moore, an inspirational teacher at North Port High School. She shares her education ideas, and she points out when I am doing well. I am mentioning her because I was reminded of her today. she recently told me about her classroom success with one minute writes. She confirmed the same thing my student said who wrote about our class in his blog. Thus, writing every day helps. When a student learns to think about ideas on a daily basis and they are accustomed to many topics; they are getting practice with timed writing, as well as the pressure that goes along with it! They are learning to think on demand! Most importantly, I am improving and growing because of her. Sure there are others things, such as teacher websites, parents, and students, but it takes many things.

Take some time right now and send an email, write a letter, or make a call. Tell someone they have inspired you and that they have made a difference. There are teachers everywhere and not just in the classroom. Who keeps you going? Do you have a life coach, fitness trainer, and friend that sticks by you no matter what? You never know how much they may need it right at that moment.
The following is an excerpt from the blog and the email I mentioned above:
“Oh yea and the people in the 1st and 2nd hour class have gotten to be the most interesting people ever! The teacher may push me to work but i feel as if it is really helping me!And as of rite now i cant wait for PT (physical training) in JROTC and getting home to eat… Because i am starving! According to Ileana Reich, “Don’t you just love when your kids come home and answer the question: “What did you learn today?” with the word: nothing? I remember those days. Of course, our children and students are learning new skills every day, but were they meaningful enough to be valued and saved in their heads?” The quote above is from my 1st and 2nd hour teacher. This came from her education blog (can be found at http://keepingitrealeducationalileanareich.blogspot.com) Well that's about every beginning of the school day!” (Blog Entry)
Dear Mrs. Reich,
Thank you so much for pushing me to do my best. Without the pushing, i don't think i would have been able to do the work. I'm the type of person that doesn't like doing homework. I've never been the type to actually come home and do homework, but I'm going to start and be that person. Thank you for inspiring me to do better. Your an awesome teacher :) Thank you for your time, (Email)
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