Dear Readers,
I am taking a quiet vacation by the sea. It will be place to reflect about the changes that are happening in education and in my life, while breathing in the salted air and sitting in my beach chair. I do a lot of thinking when I go to the ocean. This year I have change on my mind more than ever!
Change is something that is always happening; but everyone’s reaction is different. I just finished the short but delightful read: Who Moved my Cheese? by Spencer Johnson, M.D. and it can be read in about two hours. I recommended it to everyone, as we all encounter change. In fact, change might look something like this: Someone got the job you were told you were going to get; it’s not fair. Or, you have been at your job ten years; how can some newbie get it? Or, what are you going to do with the pay cuts and or hour cuts; how will you make it? It’s not fair! And or, you just lost your home; now what? What about job description changes and you no longer get to do things you love to do? What about health changes that force you to change? These changes all effect our personal lives and professional lives. In fact, I have experienced all of them!
To help you understand the concept of the cheese, here is a personal example. A very dear friend died in January, and I had to move on to live a whole life. Holding on was keeping me from moving on; she was the cheese Dr. Johnson was talking about. There was no getting her back. I had to look to my friends and family, but also hope for new cheese. Let me explain. I thought Malory, my son’s girlfriend who passed away this past January, was going to be his wife. I had envisioned grandchildren from them. I kept holding on to those memories. Reality set in; I had to let them go. Do people really hold onto things like this? Yes, and it keeps us from growing and moving on. I have to be open to a new girl friend from my son Drew. It’s time to move on I kept telling myself. My son’s process of change and healing is much more involved than mine. Nevertheless, he will move on and find new cheese eventually. In short, even death effects us and is change.
Change is always happening in education, but what do teachers do with the new initiatives and laws that come down the pike. Some wait and do nothing. I admit there are a lot and one has to choose or prioritize which ones they will follow. I myself follow the laws and the ones tied to may pay first. It’s a no brainer! When the new stuff comes, many stakeholders say the pendulum will swing back and forth. You’ll see. Just wait. I have seen this to be true. However, there are so manner change resistant people who are unwilling to get on board that we are in the severe crisis we are in today. Now we are being forced to comply with mandatory testing and accountability policies. Also, there are so many directives coming from the “top” every year: New ideas, new programs, and new ways to make things better. The problem is someone keeps adding to our plate and never takes anything off. Yet, still our attitude to change may be resistant. Some of us overcomplicate the issues/ changes and expend emotional energy worrying about how we will all do this instead of making a plan and taking action. If we are not careful, we will not perform well. It’s a sad day that we have to perform to get paid. Many people are for this idea, but let’s remember that teachers are not the ones taking the tests, coming to school (if they do), doing the homework (if they do), paying attention in class (many secretly texting instead). So here is my emotional workout, but I could be doing my lesson plans to the Instructional Focus Calendar and try to keep up with changing cheese. One of my friends saw this change coming and decided to leave this country and go to Europe where they value the teacher and education. She saw that the cheese was disappearing. She did not wait much longer; she took a leap of faith and looked for new cheese or old cheese. It’s all about perspective. For teaches who are deciding to stay and understand that the cheese has changed and its benefits, they are looking for additional jobs. Some of us will now work three jobs to keep this cheese alive! Some will be forced to leave a labor of love. In the end, the change has to be embraced. It will eventually be embraced by all. Why wait?
Do you still want to know more about change? Then read the following book review and summary from http://lifetofullest.com/who-moved-my-cheese/ and or buy it, borrow it from the public library, or sit in a BAM store and read it. Me, I’ll be back in about two weeks. I’ll be at the beach wrapping my mind on the changes for next school year and many other changes I need to face in my life. I’ll be devising a plan and looking for new cheese!
I included the text from the above link for easier reading below!
Who Moved My Cheese was published in 1998. A parable written by Spencer Johnson which describes change in one’s work and life. Who Moved My Cheese was included in the New York Times business bestseller since release and remained on the list for almost five years and spent over 200 weeks on Publishers Weekly’s hardcover nonfiction list.
Who Moved My Cheese was published in 1998. A parable written by Spencer Johnson which describes change in one’s work and life. Who Moved My Cheese was included in the New York Times business bestseller since release and remained on the list for almost five years and spent over 200 weeks on Publishers Weekly’s hardcover nonfiction list.
When Change Happens
One of the constant things in life is CHANGE. Each day brings a new life and a different experience for us. But our daily routine task, from the time we wake up until the time we lay down in bed again, creates a cycle that leads us to comfort. Such comfort creates lax and negligence in our character that make us forget that life is constantly changing. Then when change happens, we stress out, react, complain and be beaten up.
One of the constant things in life is CHANGE. Each day brings a new life and a different experience for us. But our daily routine task, from the time we wake up until the time we lay down in bed again, creates a cycle that leads us to comfort. Such comfort creates lax and negligence in our character that make us forget that life is constantly changing. Then when change happens, we stress out, react, complain and be beaten up.
Even if it’s hard to admit it, in school, at home and in the community we live in, we were taught to believe in following rules and sets of standards that being curious and creating change is not acceptable. That being obedient, doing what is told and what is “right”, is the key to success and happiness in life. The attitude of obedience and resistance to change is brought by many in their professional and personal journey in life. That’s why it is hard for majority to handle and accept change. Upon experiencing change, our initial reaction is to resist it. Either because we are afraid to lose the comfort of what we currently have or the fear of the unknown.
The Fable of Change
The book Who Moved My Cheese is a fable that teaches an amazing way to deal with change in your personal and professional life. Below is a short synopsis of the fable:
The book Who Moved My Cheese is a fable that teaches an amazing way to deal with change in your personal and professional life. Below is a short synopsis of the fable:
There were four characters; two mice named “Sniff” and “Scurry,” and two little people named “Hem” and “Haw.” The four characters lives in a maze (which represents environment) and their activity is to look for cheese ( which represents their life’s happiness and success).
Each morning, Sniff, Scurry, Hem and Haw wear their most comfortable shoes to run and search the maze to find cheese. They search each day until they found Cheese Station “C”. The four were so happy and glad to have found Station “C” which is filled with cheese. Hem and Haw, human as they were, become comfortable having found Station C. They thought that the Cheese in Station “C” was more than enough to sustain their needs in a lifetime. So the next morning, Hem and Haw lazily gets up every morning and walk to station “C” without their running shoes on. On the other hand, the two mice “Sniff” and “Scurry” still eagerly runs to Station “C” to search and find their cheese.
Each morning, Sniff, Scurry, Hem and Haw wear their most comfortable shoes to run and search the maze to find cheese. They search each day until they found Cheese Station “C”. The four were so happy and glad to have found Station “C” which is filled with cheese. Hem and Haw, human as they were, become comfortable having found Station C. They thought that the Cheese in Station “C” was more than enough to sustain their needs in a lifetime. So the next morning, Hem and Haw lazily gets up every morning and walk to station “C” without their running shoes on. On the other hand, the two mice “Sniff” and “Scurry” still eagerly runs to Station “C” to search and find their cheese.
Then one morning, as Hem and Haw lazily walks shoeless to station “C”, they’ve arrived and found it empty. Hem and Haw became furious and angry. Unprepared, the humans have counted on the cheese supply to be constant. They rant at the unfairness of the situation and were mad to those who stole their cheese. They wanted justice. They wanted the cheese to come back but they went home hungry. On the other hand, when Sniff and Scurry found that Station C was empty, they are not surprised. They noticed the cheese supply were decreasing, they have mentally prepared beforehand for the tough but foreseeable task of finding new cheese. They’ve easily accepted it and moved on to search for new cheese.
The next day, Hem and Haw still walks to Station C hoping to find their cheese. Hoping that things were the same as the past. But they failed for the cheese was gone and will not come back. Beginning to realize the cheese less situation, Haw proposed to search for new cheese. But Hem is dead set in his closed mindset and rejected the proposal. Meanwhile, Sniff and Scurry have found “Cheese Station N”, a new supply of cheese.
The next day, Hem and Haw still walks to Station C hoping to find their cheese. Hoping that things were the same as the past. But they failed for the cheese was gone and will not come back. Beginning to realize the cheese less situation, Haw proposed to search for new cheese. But Hem is dead set in his closed mindset and rejected the proposal. Meanwhile, Sniff and Scurry have found “Cheese Station N”, a new supply of cheese.
Hem and Haw are still lacking of cheese and blame each. Wanting to change, Haw suggested once again to search for new cheese but Hem rejected it again. He didn’t want to change, he’s already comfortable his old cheese and he’s also afraid of the unknown, the new cheese. He just wants the old cheese to come back and he’ll be happy again. After many days in denial, Hem and Haw remained without cheese.
One day, having discovered his weakening fears, Haw begins to laugh at the situation and stopped taking himself so seriously. Haw realized that he should simply move on and enter the maze to find a new cheese. While walking down the maze in search for new cheese, Haw took time to write on the walls of the experiences and lessons he’s getting in search for change, of new cheese. Haw did it for the intention of giving a guide to his friend, Hem, just in case he finally accepts to move on and find new cheese. First he wrote, “If You Do Not Change, You Can Become Extinct” Still fearful of his new quest, Haw wrote “What Would You Do If You Weren’t Afraid?” . In his journey he realized and wrote down “When you move beyond your fear, you feel free.” Then one day, Haw finally found Cheese Station N and realized it was better and tastier than Cheese Station C.
Wanting to remember everything he’ve learned, he wrote to the largest wall in Cheese Station N the following Six (6) Important Lessons on Change:
Change Happens. They Keep Moving The Cheese
Anticipate Change. Get Ready For The Cheese To Move
Monitor Change. Smell the Cheese Often So You Know When It Is Getting Old.
Adapt To Change Quickly. The Quicker You Let Go Of Old Cheese, The Sooner You Can Enjoy
Anticipate Change. Get Ready For The Cheese To Move
Monitor Change. Smell the Cheese Often So You Know When It Is Getting Old.
Adapt To Change Quickly. The Quicker You Let Go Of Old Cheese, The Sooner You Can Enjoy
New Cheese.
Change. Move With The Cheese
Enjoy Change. Savor The Adventure And Enjoy The Taste Of New Cheese
Change. Move With The Cheese
Enjoy Change. Savor The Adventure And Enjoy The Taste Of New Cheese
Are You Like Hem? Even we don’t admit it, we act like Hem. When change happens in our lives, we get angry, we blame others, we lose hope and resist change. Start Embracing Change Who Moved My Cheese have helped me a lot in coping in a negative change that previously happened in my life. After reading Who Moved My Cheese , it gave me a lot of new insight on why change is good and how it can lead me to much better things. Now as I look back, I can honestly say I’m really happy to the change that reversed my life to embrace positivity and life live fully. You too can create that change in your life. If you don’t know where to start, begin having courage to embrace change by reading Who Moved My Cheese .
1 comment:
change sometimes is hard but most of the time it is a good thing....we just have to leave to God that the changes that are happening in our lives are positive and that we accept them with love and trust in our Lord and Savious! Think we all need change in our lives once in awhile!!
You have a great vacation and enjoy your meditations along the ocean, perfect place to pray and meditate and listen to what Our Father is saying to us!! :)
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