Since this is not a new concept, I am perplexed with the idea that we do not have more practice tests in the new online testing format. Why isn’t FCAT Explorer converted into the new format. There is a big difference between taking an online test and pencil paper test. Are the students, teachers, and parents the only ones who understand this? I feel like a skipping CD. Is this more about money and less about student success? I have to answer this question with a mighty YES!
Let’s not forget that our paid is tied to these new online tests too. Teachers feel their hands are tied. Students feel like both their hands and feet are tied in knots. What else can I do to make them feel better? I praise, encourage, teach them with whatever tools I have, and I hope for the best.
Let’s not forget that our paid is tied to these new online tests too. Teachers feel their hands are tied. Students feel like both their hands and feet are tied in knots. What else can I do to make them feel better? I praise, encourage, teach them with whatever tools I have, and I hope for the best.
Teachers feel powerless often to the laws, policies, and new testing requirements and procedures coming down. We seem, for many, to be the last people constituents want to listen to or respect now days. I hope someone reading this will email or call our state representatives and our governor and tell them enough is enough! Write the president too! Flood the White House. Now is a good a time as any!
Here is a complete email list. Click here!
Here is a complete email list. Click here!
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